Friday, October 16, 2009

In Focus

Beyond the focusing problem that plagued my camera lens last weekend and forced me to send it in to see if it can be warrantied I've been having trouble focusing on training. Heck even exercise beyond biking to work and back seems to have been lost along the way this summer. I've been feeling really, really out of shape . . . and then I remember that compared to the average American I'm actually doing alright. But I'd like to do better again.

Luckily I've refound my athletic focus and have put in 2 solid weeks of training. It feels good (well, in a painful way) to be back on track. Of course, I've totally given up on even pretending I will have any fitness for cyclocross and plan to just go out there and tough it out. Instead I've focused in on the ski season and have become motivated to get back into some semblance of shape. Recently I've done some very painful double pole sessions, skate and classic intervals and this horrific drill of skiing with an exercise band around the legs (which is incredibly exhausting). One of the other gals at ski school even commented on how I've gotten stronger lately . . . really I've just gotten motivated. It makes a difference.

However, cyclocross has not been abandoned and planning is underway for the 2010 cyclocross season for the Capitol Velo Club. We've got some changes and improvements planned for the team and if I weren't already on the team I would be begging to be recruited. It's going to be that awesome . . .


Blogger VenusdeVelo said...

FRICKIN' aweseome ;-)


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