Monday, March 23, 2009

This and that

I think spring is a fabulous time of year because you can actually do it all. Last weekend I was skiing at Minocqua and this weekend I was out riding my bike. In between I've gone running, done a little biking, ordered some classic rollerskis and spent some time at the pool.

However, let's talk about swimming since that is by far the most exciting thing I've been doing. My first swim lesson was an experience all in itself. It's been almost 20 years since I've tried to learn how to swim and although I signed up for these lessons of my own volition I was really regretting it the afternoon before my first lesson. I was incredibly nervous. However, it was my gift to my self for my 40th birthday (which is coming up this summer and why not give yourself a gift of something that you need but don't really want).

Luckily the first lesson went much better than expected and I even signed up for 5 more lessons with Mark at SwimFast. I'm sure I'll need more than that but that was what I thought I could afford and hopefully I can get to the point of not needing private lessons. Luckily I did progress beyond what he expected at my first lesson given that I told him I had a fear and intense dislike for water.

This last Friday I went to the pool to practice and amazingly I already was progressing. At my first lesson I could only float across the little practice pool if I used a flotation device to help. By Friday I could do what I referred to as "swimming laps" which really was just floating and then kicking with my legs to get across the mini pool. However, that is more "swimming" than I've ever done so I was psyched. However, I still don't feel comfortable in the water but I'm progressing.

Yesterday I had my 2nd swimming lesson and Mark was suprised that I how far I'd already progressed since lesson 1. Of course that meant I had to work more on stuff I don't like and can't do. We spent a lot of time working on breathing out while under water and worked on the technique needed to be able to do the freestyle stroke. Mixed success with that as I seem to always breathe in some water through my nose when I'm doing that. We also worked on floating on my back which I absolutely cannot do yet without some type of assistance. Good times.

Really the worst part so far is just trying to find a time and place to swim in between my lessons so I can practice. Well, that and the water . . . but I keep reminding myself that if I learn to swim I can start saving to buy myself a kayak or at least a kayaking trip. I'm going to need to know how to kayak when I retire to the shores of Lake Superior when I'm 60.


Blogger Shannon said...

Sounds like you're making good progress!!! We would like to hear more about your new classic roller skis sometime, too... :-) Oh -- and we think that your problems with floating on your back are due to your being too fit. Muscle is dense and so it sinks, you know!


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