The Weekend Reprieve
So I got a reprieve this weekend and my mom didn't have to stay with me after all. I was relieved. Of course, my mom was disappointed the moment she wasn't coming even though she had come up with a zillion reasons why staying with me wouldn't work.
With my weekend suddenly wide open I decided to kick it off with the longest hair salon appointment ever. I decided that the time had come for change as my recent boring hairstyle trend was starting to make everyone wonder what was up with me. Unfortunately, if you let your hair grow for 2.5 years but continue to dye it then you can have issues when you try to make drastic changes. Yes, my hair was starting to suffer from being over processed and my poor hairstylist had quite a challenge. (Luckily, she is a multi-time Ironman so she has what it takes to go the distance!).
However, after many hours of processing, vast quantities of bleach, and two haircuts I have a fun new look. It's refreshing to have cut off so much of my hair especially on a hot day as our car doesn't have air conditioning and my previous long hair was impossible to keep secured at 65mph on the freeway. My hair also can dry in less than 8 hours now. I'm not complaining about thick hair as when I'm older and it starts to thin a bit I'll still have more hair than a person needs.
The best part of the hair appointment was when I decided I needed to cut off a lot to get ride of the overprocessed hair. My hairstylist gave me a hair magazine and told me to pick something and I had to pick something in like 2 minutes since I had already had one cut. I flipped through a few pages, saw something that looked doable and said "how about that." I laughed when I realized I picked something from the "Teen Spirit" page. I'm willing to admit that my new look may be age inappropriate!

With my weekend suddenly freed up I used most of Saturday to do errands - grocery shopping, laundry, etc. Well, first I watched the Tour time trial. I also did sneak in time for an hour trail run in the Arboretum. It's been two weeks since my 25k trail run and it felt nice to be out again. However, an hour was plenty and I found it hard to believe that I did a 25k not that long ago.
Sunday was Dave's birthday and I dropped him off at at a teammate's house so he could carpool to the WORS race. He got 4th in his age group and had a fine time. Nice job as always!
I went and did some mountain biking at Cam-Rock after dropping Dave off. After just over 2 hours I was hungry and tired and ready to be done. I like Cam-Rock but I have to admit that I don't love it. I never seem to get in a good flow there . . . plus the mosquitoes were out in force on every slow part which wasn't helping. It was fun though and the only other time I'd been there this year I went running.
After that it was back to my landscaping project. I went to two different greenhouse to try and get some more plants to add to what I planted last weekend. Things are starting to shape up but I have a lot still to do. I have a feeling that this is about it for this year though as things are starting to ramp up with cyclocross.
Sunday evening I made Dave a nice birthday dinner of Fennel Ghoulash. I totally recommend this recipe. I used a mix of sweet hungarian paprika and half-sharp paprika so that it had a little bit of zing. Finished watching the Tour while we ate dinner. I know the Tour is probably "uncool" these days but I love to watch it. Dave and I have been to France twice to see a variety of stages and I continue to enjoy watching it.
Some of the weekend I used to work on cyclocross stuff. I'm getting ready to open up registration, working on finalizing sponsors, and trying to get everything in order for a Jonathon Page cyclcoross clinic at the end of August. You can expect to hear more on that and more very soon.
Dang, wish we had known -- happy b-day Dave!
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