My "training" is on track

A long time ago I signed up for a century that is to take place in Utah in a couple of weeks (it's a women's century called the Little Red Riding Hood). In reality I signed up for it because some cool chix I know invited me and I totally wanted to hang out with them. However, I also had this idea that I would do a ton of cycling this spring and be completely prepared.
It's funny how things don't turn out and life gets in the way of plans. However, I have stopped worrying about my lack of training as I googled "training for a century" and found a plan that has made me realize that I'm fine. The plan calls for the longest training ride to be 65 miles. Luckily I managed to survive 64 miles last Sunday and was planning to do something like that again this weekend should I have time (now I know I don't even need to).
Of course the training plan did call for ramping up the long ride from 25 to 30 to 35 to 40, etc, etc and I went from 30 to 30 to 40 back to 30 to 30 and then to 64. It may have also called for a bit more midweek riding than I have done but it wasn't that specific so why worry about it. Besides why do all that intermediate training if you can just tough it out, right??? If 65 miles is your longest ride before a century then you're going to need to know how to tough it out anyway so why not practice that.
Glad I did that google search as I know feel so much better about my training . . . or my lack of training . . . or my crazed cross training . . . or something. Frankly as long as I get to hang out with my totally awesome "mountain gal pals" and I get a margarita (hint, hint) then I can tough out most anything.
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