And I rode

I actually rode 2 days in a row this weekend and have gotten a nice start in transitioning from skiing to riding. This is probably just in time to transition back to doing some rollerskiing (which for the record I have not done yet this year).
Saturday I did 60 flat but windy miles to the lovely little village of Cooksville and then on Sunday I did 36 more hilly miles in a ride called "Tour of Nine Mounds". If I count my commute home on Friday then I got a nice 100 mile weekend. All this early season riding and I may just show up at a race before September. Maybe.
I had an awesome weekend though with all the riding along with the Henry Rollins show on Friday night and The Runaways movie on Saturday night. Add to that dinner at the Green Owl vegetarian cafe on Friday and the delicious pear and gorgonzola pizza at Sundance Theater and there is nothing to complain about this weekend . . . .well, except that it ended and I had to go back to work.
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