Dave's Weekend
Normally this blog is about me, me and me. However, Dave's weekend was WAY more interesting than mine so I thought I'd blog about it.

Friday - It was our 16th anniversary so we decided to stop being lame and do something different. We went to the Weary Traveler because the cool kids hang out there and we wanted to be cool in our old age. We had the mediteranean plate and a mojito. Very nice. Then we pedaled up to Natt Spill where the other cool kids hang out and had the pear and brie pizza with a black cherry chocolate martini. Now we're having a good time. Next we swung by the Terrace to hang out briefly with some drunken ski friends. After that it was off to Sucre for the bread and relish plate, a chocolate raspberry torte and a rhubarb capriosca. That was about as hip as we could get so we went home.
Saturday - Lots of excitement . . . well, not really. We had to clean our bike shed to make space for new tenants in our upstairs apartment that are moving in this week. Pete and Britt have bikes, boats and other gear. Our shed had been overtaken by race supplies (bike and ski) and home project left overs (12 window and screens and wood parts, etc). Not to mention our crazed collection of bkes that include some that aren't working or safe to be ridden. Cleaning the shed took most of the day actually. Funny story - Dave had this bike that had been dumped at our house that he rode to work briefly. It was a piece of crap with a bent front fork and now everything was rusted. I put it on the curb and someone took it (along with various other junk). I love living downtown!
Sunday - Dave heads off to the Kewaskum WORS race. Here's his story:
"I was so excited to be out mountain bike racing on such a beautiful day with the rest of the Chain Smokers. Pete and I had a fun drive up talking about races past, present and future. We had fun cheering on Brandon, Troy and Steve at the start of the sport race. Pete and I get ready and go for a nice warm up spin. I was happy that it appeared I had recovered from the 24-9 race. Things were going well. I decided to throw in a short fast sprint to test out the heart and muscles for the race to come. My foot pops out of my pedal and straight into my front wheel! I go down hard landing on my left side. Wow! That is going to leave a mark. Pete immediately stops to help me. My foot is jammed into the front wheel and fork. Pete has to take my shoe off so I can get my foot out of my front wheel. Adrenaline is flowing so I don't have a clue how badly I am hurt. Pete tries to get me to stop and take a breath to assess the body damage as I struggle to get my chain on to ride back. My front wheel is rubbing on the fork as I have busted or bent about a third of the spokes. I start walking back the mile or two to the race. Pete says he will go get the car to give me a ride but I assure him moving will keep me from getting too stiff. I eventually convince him to ride back so he does not miss the start of his race. I start walking faster and faster thinking maybe I can get back to cheer them on at the start. As I break into a light jog I realize my chest hurts a bit. About then a sherrif's deputy drives up that Pete flagged down and sent to assist me. He gives me a ride back to the race. Shortly after he drops me off at the ambulance Pete and Ryan show up. Ryan says Wendy's isn't riding right now and her wheel will work for me. They race off to get Wendy's wheel and when they get back I throw it on my bike. I ride around a bit to discover that the wheel and bike are working great. I don't know if my body is going to work after the adrenaline wears off but I figure if I at least start I can get at least one point for DNFing. I don't look at my wounds as I don't want to know yet. The start goes well I must be still running on adrenaline. I get up the hill in about eighth place in my wave. I keep pushing on through the first lap wondering when the adrenalin will run out. I maintain my position fairly well. At the end of the lap a couple guys go by in my age group and I assume my crash is catching up with me. I keep pushing and eventually get back around them on some climbs. I keep pushing on lap two and go by others in my wave but not my age group. I wonder when the crash aftermath will start slowing me down and I will start going backwards. I hear Wendy and others cheering for me. It helps me keep pushing on and surprise on lap three I pass a couple guys in my age group. This is too good to believe. I start to notice that my chest hurts when I hit big bumps on the downhills. I think my rib is bruised. My chest muscles start to tighten up by my bruised rib making it hard to breath right after each big bump. This has got to be the beginning of the end. Fourth lap starts well with a good climb up the hill eventually passing Holly Liske. I can't believe things are still going so well. I try to baby all the big bumps on the descents so my chest doesn't tighten up. I am in the last quarter of the last lap. When the trail passes close by I see some of my competition not too far back. Can they see me grimacing every time I hit a big bump? I push on up the climbs and easy on the bumpy decents. I keep pushing hoping the people closing fast are in a different wave. I keep riding hard on the ups. I think I can finish this! Woohoo, I make it to the finish line without anyone in my age group passing me. Wow! I survived and there aren't that many people standing around that finished. I cool down trying to keep from hitting any bumps as my chest is getting worse. I couldn't believe it when I looked at the results and wound up 3rd in my age group and 19th in comp overall. Woohoo! P.S. So far I discovered rasberrys on my shoulder, elbow, a couple on the hip, right thigh is bruised and my left chest probably has a bruised rib. Yikes!"
Dave's suffering today and we'll be getting some margaritas to try and cure his pain tonight. He has lots of tegaderm all over his body and his ribs hurt more than he had hoped. What a stud though . . . getting 3rd!
Podium Shot (he's not lifting his arms up like that anymore!):
(Thanks for the photo Wendy! Certainly one to remember.)
Way to go Dave! Woo hoo!
Yeay Dave! You ROCK! Yip Yip YIp!
yeah Dave!
I hope the ribs and the wounds are doing better!
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