Snow is Falling
Indeed I can see snow coming down outside my office (okay, cubicle) window. It does make me smile. Snow is kind of like cyclocross in that it makes you feel like a kid. Do you remember those days of being a kid and going out to play after a big snow storm?
Going outside and building huge snow forts. Getting all bundled up in enough layers to satisfy your mother that you would be more likely to have heat exhaustion than frost bite. You can't tell it in the photos I posted below but the farm I lived on when I was little had this great terraced yard which was perfect for sledding. You would start at the house, go down the 4 or so terraces which gave you a little thrill of excitement and lead you into the larger drop down to the driveway. I think I usually tumbled off the sled when we hit the driveway although the sled sometimes careened down into the cow pasture. Then we'd have to navigate the electric fence and dodge cow patties to retrieve it. It was inevitable that you would not only get zapped by the fence but would also end up stepping in a cow pie. Still I never cared as I would sled down the hill a million times until it was time for chores.
It must be all the fun I had playing in the snow as a kid that helps bring a smile to my face when winter arrives. There's just something about putting on my Sorel's and tromping around in the snow after a blizzard. Of course now I'm tromping around in the city and just walking around the neighborhood and don't have the acres of land available to me as a kid. However, city or country a layer of fresh snow adds a bit of sparkle. The kind of day when you wish work had snow days!
Truthfully . . . I still like to flop down in the snow to make a snow angel! Or a snowman!

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