Ooops . . . rollerski accident
On a nice 70 degree Fall day like today you get lots of funny looks and random comments about snow if you go out and rollerski. You get even more funny looks if you're bleeding while you ski down the path.
Today started out like many a weekend rollerski with just a plan to do an easy, endurance ski. I wanted to take it easy since I don't have the fitness to crank out a huge, hard ski and then race cross the next day. When the weather is nice it is always busy on the path with lots of bikers out which is not a big deal except you have to pay a bit more attention as you try to weave your way around the worst cracks (because some of the cracks are the perfect size to grab your ski wheel).
Anyway, things were going great. It was a lovely day and I was out on the rollerskis. I can't say I was feeling awesome but I was just getting in some good double-poling mixed in with some kick double pole. I was about 3/4 of the way through the ski when I moved over to the far right side of the path to let some bikers go by.
Unfortunately there was a huge hump in the pavement right after the bikers went by and it was bigger than I anticipated. My front wheels rolled over it but then skis bottomed out and I lurched forward. It's like so many crashes . . . it just happened so fast I didn't have time to do anything useful to save myself. Instead I lurched forward and took a hard knock to my elbow.
Of course my first thoughts were . . . did I break a pole, will this affect my race tomorrow?!?! Luckily the pole wasn't broken but I do have a huge hole in my gloves. And I should be able to race tomorrow although it will be a little painful I think as my wrist is a little sore and my elbow has a deep gash.
After crashing I got up quickly since no one ever likes to have people seeing them on the ground bleeding. However, I didn't make it too far as I was seriously light headed and my stomach was super nauseous. I skied like 1 minute before I had to find a spot to sit down and recompose myself.
Then I got up and did what had to be done . . . .I skied back to where I was headed. You always feel great when you're rollerskiing or biking or trail running and you've got blood oozing.
Now don't look if you don't like a little blood

** Do you like how my cat wants to be part of the rollerski wound photo shoot!
Today started out like many a weekend rollerski with just a plan to do an easy, endurance ski. I wanted to take it easy since I don't have the fitness to crank out a huge, hard ski and then race cross the next day. When the weather is nice it is always busy on the path with lots of bikers out which is not a big deal except you have to pay a bit more attention as you try to weave your way around the worst cracks (because some of the cracks are the perfect size to grab your ski wheel).
Anyway, things were going great. It was a lovely day and I was out on the rollerskis. I can't say I was feeling awesome but I was just getting in some good double-poling mixed in with some kick double pole. I was about 3/4 of the way through the ski when I moved over to the far right side of the path to let some bikers go by.
Unfortunately there was a huge hump in the pavement right after the bikers went by and it was bigger than I anticipated. My front wheels rolled over it but then skis bottomed out and I lurched forward. It's like so many crashes . . . it just happened so fast I didn't have time to do anything useful to save myself. Instead I lurched forward and took a hard knock to my elbow.
Of course my first thoughts were . . . did I break a pole, will this affect my race tomorrow?!?! Luckily the pole wasn't broken but I do have a huge hole in my gloves. And I should be able to race tomorrow although it will be a little painful I think as my wrist is a little sore and my elbow has a deep gash.
After crashing I got up quickly since no one ever likes to have people seeing them on the ground bleeding. However, I didn't make it too far as I was seriously light headed and my stomach was super nauseous. I skied like 1 minute before I had to find a spot to sit down and recompose myself.
Then I got up and did what had to be done . . . .I skied back to where I was headed. You always feel great when you're rollerskiing or biking or trail running and you've got blood oozing.
Now don't look if you don't like a little blood

** Do you like how my cat wants to be part of the rollerski wound photo shoot!
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