Sunday, October 03, 2010

Back at it

Oops, forgot to blog about last weekend's Cross at the Domes so here's a double race report.

Cross the Domes
This was my first cyclocross race of the season. And it was exceptionally painful with a double sand pit and a wicked evil hill climb. I was last. Not a surprise really since I ride so little and when I do ride it isn't the kind of riding that prepares you to race. It's all fun though. I can't say that I really had a good part of the race as I was off the back immediately. It was good to get one in though in an attempt to race myself into some kind of shape.

Then this weekend's Pumpkin Cross . . .
Actually had a good start and wasn't in last place. That didn't last long as before I even got to the sand pit the 1st time I could tell I something was wrong. iI was slowly loosing air pressure in my rear tire. I got off for the sand pit and checked the pressure and it wasn't totally flat so I kept going. That didn't last long though as the air was slowly leaking out and making cornering at speed less than fun. I rode up the big climb the 2nd time and went straight to the car. I guess I can't complain as this is my first mechanical in all the years I've been racing and I've always raced clinchers. At first I was thinking I could have kept going and just babied it around all the corners but when I got home I checked it again and it was flat. Maybe I could have lasted but it wouldn't have been any fun. And I can't afford to ruin the wheel as I already need to buy a new mountain bike wheel and I've been putting that off.

And on Sundays I rollerski. I did a shorter over distance skate ski last Sunday. This Sunday I will likely do 30k since I only raced 2 laps so no excuses to cut it short. This weekend I'll classic just to mix it up and since I'm striding the Birkie again this year.

And in other things . . .
When I got home from Pumpkin Cross I got started on cooking up some goodness for tomorrow's USGP Volunteer Appreciation Party. Here's a recipe for one of the items I'm making:

Fall Wild Rice Salad

1/4 cup olive oil
1/8 cup orange juice
1 Tbs orange zest
1 Tbs maple syrup
1/2 Tbs dijon mustard
21 oz wild rice
4 oz pine nuts
1/2 cup dried cranberries
1/2 cup fresh mint, chopped
2 green onions, white and green parts thinly sliced

Cook rice. Whisk together oil, orange juice, orange zest, maple syrup, and mustard in large bow. Add rice, pine nuts, cranberries, mint and green oninons, and toss to coat.


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