Surgery time

Surgery sucks! Okay, not totally I suppose since the Dr was able to fix my ACL as well as my meniscus. He said there looks to be no sign of arthritis in my knee which is all good news. However, it is freakin' painful. I think I may have already developed an addiction to my pain medicine as if I forget to take it right on schedule my whole leg hurts. I also can only barely even begin to do my physical therapy exercises. Leg lifts - little pathetic ones and not that many. I can barely lift my leg at all really and need assistance to lift it from the floor back up to the couch. Bend my leg? Yeah, right. It is only a bend in the most generous of descriptions. Ankle pumps? Okay, I can do that one.
I feel like I can barely walk with crutches from the living room to the bathroom and back. In my mind it was going to go better than this. I was going to come out of surgery and make a miraculous come back unlike any seen before. Instead I feel like I am behind where I should be. Plus all I want to do is sleep. Last night I took a "nap" from like 7:30pm-10:00pm. Then I had a snack and was back to bed by 11:30pm and I slept almost through the night . . .except when the pain woke me up and I took more narcotics. Fun times! However, I'm sure it will get better and the Dr did warn me that an ACL repair alone is easier to deal with than an ACL and Meniscus repair so I have to remember to be patient.
Next week I see the Doctor again to get my stitches out and hopefully he will have some words of wisdom for me. Then on the 28th I start my Physical Therapy appointments and the real joy begins. To lighten the mood I've included this fabulous photo of me just before going in for my surgery. Notice the fabulous white hose on my right leg (called a Ted) that controls for blood clots. I paired that with a cute pink fuzzy sock (from A Stone's Throw on Monroe St) to add just the right touch with the fabulous hospital gown. At this point I'm already doped up and I have to admit that I have no recollection beyond being wheeled out of my room. I don't even remember reaching the Operating Room. Those drugs are powerful!!
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