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Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area - it was a rainy/snowy day so I'd like to go back some day when the weather is nicer.

Dave riding the Fruita trails near the Loma exit. Lots of rock ledges to ride up and down.

We saw lots of Collared Lizards including two that were having a fight over space on a rock but there were a little too far away to capture on film. These lizards could really move fast and were constantly zipping along the trail beside you.

Cactus were in bloom everywhere as were other western flowers.

Another photo from hiking in Jackson. At the higher eleveations there was plenty of snow both in Wyoming and Colorado.

A photo from riding at Rabbit Valley (just off exit #2 on 1-70). It was very sandy here and hot the day we were there. We rode a few pieces of singletrack (#2 and #6) and some on the Kokopelli trail though. The area is open to ATVs and motorcycles and we saw some but they were never a problem and mostly were much farther out than we were.
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