Important Breaking News
Yes, today I have HUGE news for you . . . HUGE LIFE CHANGING NEWS!

Pasquals stays open until 10pm on Thursday nights and if you're nice and they know you are a regular you can score half-price margaritas. I know . . . this is awesome news that will change lives!!!! I'm glad that I could share it all with you. Of course, this morning when I woke up and I had stayed out later than normal and had celebrated this finding with more than the safe allotment of Pasqual's margaritas I wasn't sure that knowing this was going to be good for me. However, it is now inevitable that I will start enjoying my margaritas on more than just Monday and/or Tuesday nights.
I did, however, do something other than drink last night. I rode out to Blackhawk after work, did a quick little trail run, lead a beginner ride and then rode home (and I rode home fast as I thought Pasquals closed at 9pm). Then Dave and I met our partner's in crime Pam and Troy for some fine cuisine at my favorite drinking spot. I feel that after all that riding and some running that it is okay to have more than just one drink.
In other very exciting news I have heard that my lovely new Schwinn Peloton Pro should arrive by the time I return from Colorado. I can't wait to try it out. Here's a photo for those of you who are in a hurry and don't have time to click through the links:

Cool ride. It's got the 110 BCD "compact" chainrings, which are my secret weapon. I think it's the greatest thing.
For criteriums, the 50 ring is perfect for me.
At the Reedsburg road race, I put the hurt on my fellow tail-enders by dropping in to 34x27T, and spinning up the big hill. I just rode out to Blue Mounds today, and spun up Mounds Park Road... 34x27T.
Do you have a racing wheelset? I wish I did! I'd put a 12-23 cassette on it. For road racing and riding in Western Dane County (heck, even the hills around Paoli) 12-27 is sweet. It got me through the Horribly Hilly 200k... and so much less fussy than a triple.
And the last time we talked, you were all miss mountain biker. Hit the road, jack!
And the last time we talked, you were all miss mountain biker. Hit the road, jack!
They're both just training for cyclocross anyway!
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