Saturday, March 24, 2007

Running better!

So a big part of my day today was spent at the Wisconsin CX series promoter meeting hashing out details for next season.

However, after I got home I went for a run to test out how my hip was doing. Amazing! I felt so good that I ended up running a little extra. I'm not perfect yet but my left side felt much stronger and running didn't make my hip hurt. I'm still a little stiff and sore but no more shooting pain. Plus my stride felt better than it has in a long time.

I've been doing some thinking about when the knee bone became twisted and how that happened. It definitely wasn't like that when I ran a marathon in 2001. In the summer of 2001 I had a running analysis done and after watching the video analysis and discussing the biomechanics the physical therapist told me I had a really good running gait and that I didn't need to change anything.

Now when I did PT for my knee surgery I think there was already something wrong. Before I could go back to doing cx I had to take a test to show that I was ready. During the test there were a few things where they compared performance on the surgical leg to the non-surgical leg. Each time we did an exercise like that I would do better on my right side or surgical side. At the end my physical therapist told me that was really unusual. I was too thrilled to get the okay to go back to cx to think anything of it at the time.

I probably shouldn't speculate but I like to blame the car that hit me in 2004 since that crash caused lots of weird problems. At the time I was focused mostly on the skin that was ground off and the shoulder and chest problems that developed. Of course, maybe I did it at the same time I tore up my right knee but I didn't notice it since it didn't cause me to need surgery.

Who knows though. I have crashed on the bike plenty of times in that time period as well. I suppose I will never really know how it happened.

On the upside I have renewed hope that maybe I will be able to run another marathon after all . . . good thing since I've been dreaming of doing the Jung Frau marathon ever since my friend Mattie told me about it.


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