My new Alan X33 arrived yesterday (that's it in the box) and today I took it out for its first ride today. I just cruised out the Capitol City Trail to the Military Ridge Trail and out past Riley. Then I swung by Badger Prairie for a little off-road riding on my way back into town. All I can say is that the bike is super light, you can accelerate without hardly trying and it corners like its on rails. It's an amazing bike. The only thing I don't like about the bike is that I get a little nauseous every time I get on. I'm not sure that's the bikes fault though . . . I think it is my freaking out abou actually racing cross again. I've been doing great thinking about cross in a very hypothetical way and talking about my hypothetical come back. I was hypothetically really excited about it all. However, it now appears that the actual racing of cross apparently I'm not so okay with doing. It's kind of bad when just riding around the block makes you feel ill.
Then there was the riding around at Badger Prairie convincing myself that I really could mount and dismount. I did eventually but I definitely was sucking at it. Well, I've got about 6 weeks to try and rectify the situation . . . if I can't then I suppose that I will have to relocate, change my name and put a "closed" sign on the MadCross website. If you see an Alan bike for cheap on Ebay and a For Sale sign at my house then you know that I'm fleeing and you can look for someone fitting my description who has taken up a nice safe sport like Ballroom Dancing . . . oh wait, I might slip in those high heels and re-tear my ACL doing that too . . . well, I guess I better keep practicing my cross skills then!
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