Christimas Fun

I got out to Elver Christmas Eve morning to get in a little pre-family ski time. Conditions were an odd mix of soft snow and icy spots. I got some nice hill climbing in although I didn't do the steep hills too many times.
I was supposed to do the free Madnorski ski lesson but I was supposed to go to Odana and went to Elver. I swear that I did read the email that said Odana several times but I still went to Elver.
I put that down to the stress of the holidays . . . spending an evening with my family is always an unpredictable event. However, everyone (including me) was on their good behavior this year. I would actually rate it a 7 out of 10 which is amazing.
I also have to say that the food was a bit less salty than the norm which was a relief. Although I have to give props to my family for always making special vegetarian food for us. They may think we are the craziest people they have ever encountered but they always make special dressing and gravy that we can eat. Oh sure, it is the cause of much amusement for them but they still do it. It helps that I have always been the crazy one in the family ever since I was young. They are quite used to it.
Oh sure, they don't understand why we're vegetarians, live in the city, bike to work, bike and ski for fun, fly places, have funny colored hair, etc, etc but they don't try to change us. Well, not too much . . . and my Mom didn't even start in on having a family and quitting racing this year. Truly a Christmas miracle.
In cross news, did you see Bjorn's 8th place finish at the Super Prestige Junior race in Belgium? How awesome is that???? That was his finish with jet lag and on a borrowed bike (his hadn't arrived yet). You can also read about it on the TIAA-Cref team blog.
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