Death wheels or Uber Dork Wheels?

Hey, what's that on my feet . . . are those rollerskis?!
I finally broke down and went roller skiing for the first time. Dave has an old pair of classic-style roller skis that are slow and stable that he replaced this summer with faster roller skis so now I can have my very own pair. He asked if I wanted to go roller skiing tonight and given the lack of snow here I said yes. That took Dave by surprise since I have been very opposed to roller skiing for sometime. That's what desperation (and unseasonable warmth) will do to a girl!!
We just went to the path in Brittingham Park since it is close to home, flat and has very smooth pavement. Someone once said (Jerry probably) that rollerskiing is about as dorky looking as you can get (and thereby makes crossers look pretty normal). Well, I upped the dorky quotient by doing classic which I think looks dorkier than skating since all you do is double pole. Then I decided to wear knee pads just in case of trouble which really is dorky looking.
However, it was a killer ab workout and I can already tell that my abs and my poor puny little arms are going to be seriously tired tomorrow. Hopefully when I finally make the depressingly long drive to get to snow this weekend I will be ready though.
Just over a week to the 24 Hours of Telemark!
Wow. Helmet and knee pads and everything. Too cool for school.
That's what I wanna do, but everyone who knows me--and my clutzy potential--tells me that it is super hard to learn how to do. But with no snow this winter. . .
Make sure to post your learning curve!
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